Visiting Family

By kaw / 9 years ago

Texas Bound

We’re in the count-down mode, prior to heading to Texas for the rest of the Winter. (Planned departure date: Nov. 18.) One of the important things on the list is to visit family members in Minnesota.

Visiting Family

A trip to MN visiting family usually includes a stop with Gary and Cindy!

Cindy, Pat’s sister, and Gary
Prior Lake, MN

Friday, we were in Prior Lake and stayed with Cindy and Gary, Pat’s youngest sister. Another sister, Jo, and her son Ron, from Farmington joined us for lunch at Burnsville Center. So did Molly and Amber, Cindy’s two daughters. A good time was had by all, even though Iowa was being slaughtered by the Minnesota football team on the big TV set just above our table.

Meet the Frohlings

Visiting family in Mankato: the Frohlings.

The Frohlings
Kris, Harlene, and Zander

Saturday afternoon, we drove down one of our favorite roads, US-169, from the Cities to Mankato, to visit my sister, Harlene. As usual, we enjoyed our visit with her. I’m rather embarrassed, however, as I was unable to repair her failed Mr. Coffee Keurig-style coffee maker. There aren’t many things which best me, but that is one.

Visiting family includes meeting new family dogs!

Zeus, the newest family member,
with Zander and Harlene

She fixed a nice dinner for us today (Sunday) and invited her daughter, Kris, and grandson, Zander, over to join us. Zander is six and in the first grade. He’s really into Legos!

—and the Granddaughters, too!

We also visited both granddaughters (Stephanie and Stacy) and great-granddaughters (Molly and Leah), plus daughter-in-law Cindy and grandson-in-law Mark in Owatonna. No playing in the park with the Park Princesses on this trip, but we did have a nice dinner at The Kernel.

Visiting family is always fun! We should do it more often, but 200+ miles separation and an every-busy schedule for them makes it harder and harder to do.