Winter Over

By kaw / 12 years ago

Winter has officially turned to Spring. Likewise, our winter is about to end.

This year, we were away from Iowa for four months, the longest ever. Partly because of that and partly because of the great weather back in Iowa, Pat and I are both ready to get back home.

I’ll admit that seeing the great-grandkids might be part of the attraction, too.

This year, we went to Wales West in southern Alabama where we Workamped for a month. On the way from there to TX, we visited New Orleans—Pat’s first visit to that famous city.

We arrived in Rockport, TX, December 23, just in time to enjoy Christmas with our friends. This was our seventh year at this park so we have lots of friends here! In fact, it is the great people here at Rockport 35 RV Park which has kept us coming back.

Interestingly, this year there were more guests from Iowa and Minnesota than usual. Maybe we’re replacing the Michiganders, which did have the majority of guests.

It will be good to get home, do the income tax, and visit “the kids,” and stop in Lime Springs to see what’s changed and visit friends.

And do some more work on this website! My ideas seem to exceed my time or, in some cases, ability. But I’m learning!

By the way, we plan to leave here Thursday, the 22nd. We’ll visit Workamping friends from our gigs in CA and AZ at their new home near Tyler, TX, for a few nights.