Our Cultural Event of the Season

By kaw / 12 years ago

Last night was it: a concert by the United States Naval Academy Men’s Glee Club, held at the Corpus Christi Cathedral.

And it was very enjoyable, not only to this old Welshman but also to Pat and our friends who went with us.

The group of about 70 presented a varied program, all of which was performed well. Of course some numbers where more enjoyable to me than others—but that’s why they have various styles, I presume.

My favorite was Shenandoah! Those wonderful low notes really gave the song a great foundation.

For Ave Marie, the 16 seniors went to the balcony for their part. The stereo effect was great!

In short, it was a concert of which any Welshman would have been proud! If these young men perform their military duties as Naval or Marine officers as well as they sang, our country will be in great shape!