Saturday Activities

By kaw / 8 years ago

In keeping with the theme of the last couple of days, here’s our Saturday activities. Breakfast at home today, to get the day going. Then I went to Walmart for a few groceries and money. Walmart not only serves as our grocery store, but also as our bank and, while travelling, as our overnite campground.  I know how many people feel about Walmart and can see why they feel that way. But for us, Walmart is very convenient!

I noted that diesel fuel was $1.909 at their filling station.

On the way home, I stopped at a laundromat and got twenty dollars worth of quarters for use in our laundry at the park. Our park office does not sell quarters and we need lots of ’em!

I was headed home about 11:30 and I saw a meteor—or at least something unusual in the sky. It was white and was visible for only a fraction of a second. Anyone trash a satellite this morning???

By the time I got home, it was soup time —literally. I’d picked up a couple of whole-grain hard rolls; they were a meal in themselves! Not as good as the European ones, but good enough to buy again.

I needed a nap, so took a short one. Then on to the major project of the day: replacing the motor in the furnace. I’d viewed a 5-minute video showing how a guy did it on a furnace similar, but not identical, to mine. It helped a lot! But there were some differences. I might make a video showing those differences so that others can do theirs more efficiently. The job took me 2 hours and 15 minutes, about what I thought it might take.

Now we’ll be able to keep warm without a squealing furnace motor with permanently sealed bearings which can’t be lubricated. Pat will really appreciate that!

Our landlord has For Sale and For Rent signs posted on the RV lot which we rent. They were so degraded that they were unreadable. I picked up two new signs at Walmart for 92 cents each, printed their phone number in large type, and put it on the signs under clear packaging tape.

Pat had gone to church with them. Luckily I had them finished and posted when they came home. They were pleasantly surprised when they came home and Pat pointed out the new look to them.

What I didn’t do today was vacuum the floor, one of the planned Saturday activities. Oh well, the floor will still be here Monday!

After a dinner of chipped beef on toast, we went to the park dance. Good band; not too loud, thankfully. We danced enough to get the cost down to $2.50/person/dance.

We came home at the 9 PM break. I’m writing this while Pat is watching yet another Hallmark movie. Then we’ll watch the 10 PM news.

Before long, we’ll go to bed. I’m confident that I’ll sleep really well, following about three hours out in the fresh air this afternoon and also being a bit tired.

Good Night, Friends.