New Ideas Abound: Here’s #639

By kaw / 9 years ago

New Ideas Abound!

I don’t consider myself a particularly creative person. However, the number of new ideas which come into my head far exceed my ability to implement them.

Or maybe I am creative, as I do have new ideas. But I’m also slow, so maybe it’s my speed, not ability, which prevents those new ideas from seeing the light of day.

The latest new idea requires your help!

Skype and Lime Springers

Here’s the idea:

I’ll have a video (or, possibly, audio) conversation, via Skype, with a Lime Springer. Or, perhaps, someone of interest to those from Lime Springs, or someone who has some other interest in our hometown. Who knows.

The point is that it should be a conversation which readers of The Lime Springs Page would find interesting. Someone like Burton Nagel, for example. Or Avis Lovell Andrea. Or Lester Parry!

Would you find this interesting?

Here’s What Needs to Happen

Here are some of the things required to implement this one of several new ideas:

  1. Learn how to do it and acquire any software required to record Skype conversations.
  2. Create a list of people for potential conversations.
  3. Actually conduct and record the conversation, then edit and publish it.

The first and last items require my action. You can help with the second one!

Some Things for You to Do

Provide names of folks you’d find interesting. Note that these might be folks who still live in Lime Springs, as many readers now live far away from LS.

Let me know if you are one who uses Skype and would be willing to participate in experiments to get this new idea up and running.

Just send a Comment, email, or call me at 319 395-7405 or toll-free at 866 707-7283