Merry Christmas, 2013

By kaw / 10 years ago

Merry Christmas to Our Friends

Photo of Keith & Pat Williams wishing all a Merry Christmas

Pat & Keith Williams
Christmas Day, 2013

We’re well over a thousand miles from Cedar Rapids, Lime Springs, our family members, and most of our friends.

But that doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten about them! We haven’t; we miss ’em—especially during this very special season. And by that, we mean the Christmas Season, not the politically correct Holiday Season.

Christmas in South Texas

Fireworks are used to welcome Christmas Day here in extreme South Texas! Fireworks stands have popped up in the last week or so so the locals can arm themselves for proper celebration.

Fireworks at Christmas are just a warm-up for the new year’s celebration! They’ll really be booming and cracking on New Year’s Eve!

Our Christmas Day

First, we slept late! It was easy to do, as even now (11 AM) I think only one car has driven past our trailer this morning.

Second, we’re just taking it easy. Pat is knitting her second pair of socks. I’m updating this and other websites.

Photo of table ready to serve a Merry Christmas dinner!

Festive table ready for eager diners!

Shortly, we’re headed to friend’s home for Christmas dinner!! Gary and Mary Goetsch invited us and his sister, Lila and Lyle Helm for Christmas dinner! How nice! Gary lives a few hundred feet from us; Lyle right across the street.

Lime Springers might not know the Goetsches because, in my day, they went to country school or Cresco HS. They lived on the blacktop on the way to Cresco, immediately east of T.G. Thomas—to whom we are both related!



Photo of Mary Goetsch serving dessert.

Dessert time for Gary Goetsch, Lyle and Lila Helm, Mary Goetsch, Pat Williams,
and Keith Williams’ chair

TG was my grandmothers uncle, therefore “Uncle Tom” to us. And Gary and Lila were related to Amanda! Does that make us cousins-in-law or something???

Whatever the case, I’m sure we’ll have a great time! Maybe I’ll update this with pictures after the event and the nap.

Importance of Friends

I’ve noticed that in recent years friends seem more important than they used to. Is that because ones own family becomes dispersed and contact with them diminishes, effectively bringing our friends closer? Whatever the reason, they’re important to me!

There are friends we see frequently, friends we see occasionally see, and friends we never see. Several readers of The Lime Springs Page fall into that category! Rest assured, I appreciate it that you try to keep track of Lime Springs and your friends through this site.

To all, Merry Christmas!