Harvesting Bananas

By kaw / 9 years ago
Harvesting bananas is an interesting process!

Harvesting Bananas is an interesting process!
© Radu Razvan Gheorghe | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Harvesting Bananas: An Educational Moment

I just watched this video of harvesting bananas in Costa Rica. I found it quite interesting; you might, too!

And it is definitely family fare, so watch it with your kids or grandkids!

Those of us who grew up in corn country know well the harvesting of the crop for which Iowa is well known, corn. But how about bananas?

The process for harvesting bananas is far more complex and labor intensive. This video gives a good overview of how they get from the tree to the ship, all in just a few hours!

Enjoy, and learn something at the same time. I did!