
By kaw / 11 years ago

Am I thankful? Yes, I certainly am.

I’m thankful for my parents who brought me up knowing right from wrong.

And for teaching me the true meaning of Christmas, with “Christ” in it—not just an “x” or, worse yet, making it “just another holiday.”

I’m thankful for my grandparents, who obviously taught my parents the same things they taught me. Hmmm—notice how that works?

I’m thankful for my hometown of Lime Springs and the school and its teachers.

I’m very thankful that God gave me the brains and a reasonably sturdy body to keep myself out of physical trouble most of the time and a body which could withstand the rigors when I got it into trouble.

I’m thankful that I had an education and therefore a career which allowed me to visit many countries in Europe and Asia and make good friends in many of them. The same career provided me, in return for my essentially contributing two decades of my life to it, a retirement which has permitted us to live a lifestyle free of real concern for the necessities of life.

I am thankful for a handful of very good friends. I’ve noticed that they become more valuable with each passing year.

I am thankful, very thankful, for my continued good health.

Photo of Pat WilliamsI am thankful for my family, especially my wife Pat who takes care of me, puts up with me, travels with me even on two-lane roads, and has let me drag her to interesting places to volunteer —like a fish hatchery in ND and the mini-train RV park in Alabama.

And I am certainly thankful that she lets me go flying and bakes chocolate-chip cookies for me!

And as the last item on this list, but certainly not the last thing for which I am thankful, I’m thankful for the readers of The Lime Springs Page. I know there are a small number of hard-core readers; please know that I am thankful for you! There are occasional readers and there are some who just happen to stumble in for some reason or other. All are welcome and appreciated and invited to return again and again.

I bet you can make up a list fairly similar to this list. We’re pretty fortunate, aren’t we!

Now is the time specifically set aside to be thankful for the things on our list. Don’t forget to do so!

And, if you’d like, I’ll be glad to publish your list here! Either send it as a comment or as an email with permission to publish.


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