Nancy’s Back—

By kaw / 12 years ago

—well, that’s sort of true. (She wasn’t really gone; she was just hard to find.)

A few months ago, the program I was using (Joomla) for The Lime Springs Page “broke” and I’ve not been able to fix it. I started a “new” version using WordPress. WordPress is very popular these days and is used on lots and lots of websites. In fact, I’m working to convert most of my sites to WordPress. Two of the reasons: It is very flexible and has a lot of capabilities. It’ll handle almost any type of website.

Yesterday I was able to import some of the articles from the “old” site into the “new” site. I chose to import the articles by Nancy, from the Nancy’s Notes section. Unfortunately, the pictures got left behind—at least for now.

They, all 26 interesting articles, are now conveniently available. Just click on “Nancy’s Notes” beneath the blue title bar and they’ll be quickly and conveniently served to you!

During the process, I reread some of them. They were as interesting this time as the first time they were published. You might find that to be true, too!

Nancy’s a good writer. I’m pleased that she contributes to The Lime Springs Page!