The Lime Springs Page

. . . a site about Lime Springs, Iowa, USA, and her people.

Major Upgrade Underway

The Lime Springs Page has undergone three major upgrades in its seven-plus year life. The fourth upgrade is now underway.

This upgrade will, we hope, increase the number and frequency of visitors to the site and their "engagement." That means their interaction with the site, such as clicking rating stars, visiting multiple pages, or submitting comments.

The bad news: during the upgrade, which may take days or even weeks, you may see some very strange things here!
Please ignore them and come back later to see if things look better!

Read About Your Friends

The goal is to have lots of articles and pictures of people on this site. People like people; we call 'em "friends!"

And most of us like pictures. We'll try to combine the two and give a fair amount of both for your reading pleasure.

Get Lime Springs News

Many of us who no longer live in Lime Springs are still interested in what's going on in our hometown. This site will try to keep you informed.

We need a good set of eyes and ears in Lime Springs! Are you interested???

Read Area News

There are services which collect news from various areas. I'll try to find one which will provide general news from, say, Rochester to Waterloo.

From the Articles

To see all the articles, much as you have in the past, go to the Blog or Article page.
Just click on "Blog" or "Article" in the menu.

To view and read any one article, just click anyplace on the title or "Read the rest... ." You'll be whisked to the full article!

Each column below represents a recent article. Just click on it to read the article.

Area News Enhanced
August 24, 2019 / By kaw
Sweet Corn Days 2019
August 24, 2019 / By kaw
Passings of Interest
October 12, 2017 / By kaw