“Rosie” for Mother

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It’s Mother’s Day!

Being a Mother is a daunting task. It’s tough job, to be sure.

It must be tough, almost impossible, as I see many examples of failed motherhood. (And fatherhood, by the way.)

I’m thankful that my mother, and the mothers of all of my friends, did a great job of raising us. First, we survived the teen years; that in itself was a great accomplishment. It must have been very trying for our parents!

Beyond that, all twelve of us in the LSHS class of 1955 stayed out of trouble and lived fruitful lives, largely thanks to our parents.

The “Rosie”

As I recall, Mother loved roses. And she always referred to them as “rosies,” if my memory serves me correctly.

As you see Pat’s beautiful “rosie” here, think of your mother and be thankful. If she’s still with you, be especially thankful.

And it wouldn’t hurt a thing to tell her how much you appreciate what she’s done for you!