LS News for You Now

By kaw / 8 years ago
Photo of LS News

This LS news is from this week’s Cresco Times Plain Dealer:

LS News: Another Delay at LSB

At its Oct. 6 regular meeting, Lime Springs Council members learned the opening of Lime Springs Beef and been delayed at least three weeks due to the wastewater treatment tanks being shipped behind schedule.

General Manager Michael Spinks told Council the company had planned to be actively interviewing that week, but the setback nixed that plan. He was pleased with the number of potential workers at the job fairs. Between fairs in Cresco and Lime Springs, there were 130 applicants.

“There is more experience here than we expected,” Spinks said. He also related that the business typically likes to hire one out of 10, so they have a ways to go before they can be at full capacity. The jobs pay scale is $13-16.50, with most of the jobs at the top of the scale.

(This article is a direct quote; thank you, Marcie and the Times.)

LS News: Glitch in Giving School to the City

As you might know, the HW School Board offered to give the school property to the City of Lime Springs, and the City tentatively agreed to accept it. Recently, it was discovered that a FEMA grant of over $400,000 was given a few years ago. This was for a storm shelter at the Spring Ahead Learning Center.

Of course there are strings attached to this “free” money! And those strings now complicate the acceptance of the property by the City. Basically, it obligates the owner to certain requirements, including paying back the grant under certain conditions.

It sounds like a way to jump through the hoops will be figured out and the City will accept the property. But remember, “it ain’t over till it’s over!”

(This article is my version of a much longer article in the Times.)

It’s LS News for You, wherever you are!