Introducing a New Capability

Photo of Skype conversation

The Lime Springs Page now has a new capability: the ability to record both sides of a video conversation carried on using Skype.

Many people have and use Skype, a free program. It’s a great tool for keeping in touch with grandkids who are too far away to hug in person.

I’ll don’t the technical part, or at least I think I can! I haven’t tried actually putting it here on The Lime Springs Page yet.

But there’s a part for you to play, too! Potentially two parts, actually:

  1. Who would you like to see featured in a video conversation? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do to arrange it!
  2. Volunteer to be interviewed yourself! Again, let me know! Or just Skype me when you’re on your computer. My Skype name is keitharden. (If it says I’m away, don’t believe it. Give me a call anyway, please!)

With any kind of luck, we might be able to get updates from folks like these: Don Kapka, Charlotte Fries, Lowell Lindsey, Rob Hughes, or Kay Rembold, or Betty Sue Jones. These are just examples; I have no idea whether they would be interested.

The important question is, who’d you like to see?