Paul Lewison, R.I.P.

By kaw / 7 years ago

Paul Lewison, 85, passed away Sunday at his home in Anamosa.

Paul married Verna Lu McCaustland, LSHS 54, in Lime Springs in 1957. They’ve lived in Anamosa since 1962, where Paul was a teacher and athletic director.

Even though Anamosa is only about 25 miles from Cedar Rapids, I have never run into Paul here. Years ago, we did have a brief chat with Verna Lu at the mall. During the last LSHS reunion, I had a nice chat with Paul.

We do have something in common: both named our daughters Amy!

The Anamosa community has lost a valued citizen and the family a great father. Our condolances to Paul’s family.

You can read his obituary here: